The Good Fight Etiquette 

It is our mission to make ISI the preferred training center for you by delivering the absolute best fitness instruction. We are here to help you achieve your goals in a positive and encouraging environment. A major part of achieving that mission is keeping you safe and at your absolute best to continue training with passion and purpose!

So in spirit of that, anyone who takes part in boxing activities (classes and private sessions) at ISI will be required to wear hand wraps and boxing gloves. You can bring your own, purchase some from us, or rent them from us. Even if it's your first 1 or 2 sessions you will be required to either rent or purchase gloves. We have wraps and gloves you can buy in The Passion & Purpose Shop or you can purchase your own.

No matter your skill level, it is possible to sustain a wrist or hand injury at any moment during a boxing session. Wearing hand wraps and boxing gloves is the best solution to prevent this from happening. It keeps your fist solid and adds support through the wrist - all keeping you strong and fighting your best fight!

Hand Wraps Are Required

Whether you bring your own or buy/rent some from us - you must have wraps in order to box. Even if it's your first class. Our goal is to keep you safe so you will be turned away if you aren't wrapped.

Catch the video below to learn an easy method! We also provide quick wraps the slip on your hand in no time at all.

Arrive 15 Minutes Before Any Boxing Class

We love to serve you and love to serve you well. Showing up 15 minutes early gives us the best shot at doing this! Be on time and be wrapped and ready to fight The Good Fight!

15 Minutes Out = Arrive, check-in, change, rent or buy wraps and gloves

10 Minutes Out = Be Wrapped Be Ready

5 Minutes Out = Meet Trainer and Review 6-Punch System 

Be On Mission With Us

We are on a mission to make ISI the best place to train - period! A big part of making that happen involves you. If you are already and wrapped and know how to wrap hands - go ahead and help your neighbor get their hands wrapped too! They'll appreciate it and so will we! Boxing can be intimidating so helping a newcomer will exemplify really well the fact that they are welcome!

Tell Your Friends!

If you love The Good Fight then your friends probably will too! You should tell them about it. Better yet - you should pick them up and bring them! First class is free so it's easier than ever to get your friends involved! Please tell them hand wraps and boxing gloves are required so they can fight their best fight!